Doll, Jen. "Women of the Internet on How the Internet
Has Changed Them." The Atlantic Wire. The Atlantic Wire, 9 July 2012. Web.
15 Nov. 2012. <>.
Jen Doll proposes in this article that women are being
changed by the internet. She questions what the internet does to women’s brains
and emotional health. She notes how she know the internet has allowed her to do
many things faster and she also relies on it as her job. She enjoys how quickly
she can create something creating and response to others. She likes being able
to communicate with many people. But she notes that sometimes people can be
much more cruel than they’d dare be in real life and that she will defend
something in a more defensive way than she usually would. Her attitude changes
when she is on the internet.
Doll also interviewed several women who like her frequently
use the internet.
One woman says that the internet has made her a stronger
person, as well as a bit ADD. According to this woman because comments can
become nasty in order for her to function on the internet she had to learn to
ignore the meaner comments.
Another woman adds that she didn’t just develop a tougher
skin but soon the cruel comments became “a form of entertainment”. She also
points out that when ignored trolls go away or they can be blocked.
A third women says that the internet has made her ADD in the
fact that she hates writing an e-mail and prefers to tweet or do anything
short. She notes that she does ignore trolls but when someone complements her
on the internet she does feel flattered.
Then there are the women who go on about what they feel the
internet has done to them and their mental states. Over all very interesting
and will defiantly use in paper.
"There Are No Girls On The Internet." Know Your
Meme News. N.p., 2006. Web. 15 Nov. 2012.
A short video with a with a description of how there is
sexism on the internet and how to “hide” the fact that you are a girl. It
doesn’t really give you a reason why it’s bad to be a girl on the internet
other than being harassed by trolls.
Lee, Aileen. "Why Women Rule TheĆ Internet."
TechCrunch RSS. TechCrunch RSS, 20 Mar. 2011. Web. 15 Nov. 2012.
Here Lee is giving a lot of numbers to help explain why
women “rule” the internet. She states that women are a driving force of buying
things, even renting that is making internet retail so powerful. She also
points out how women use a lot of social media. She notes how women make up 80%
of things online. When it comes to face book 62% of messages are from women.
She also notes that women follow more blogs and vlogs.
H, Christina. "The 5 Biggest Mistakes Women (Like Me!)
Make On The Internet." N.p., 4 Apr. 2010. Web. 15 Nov. 2012.
Here Ms.H is giving women guide lines of what not to expect
on the internet. She basically is stating the obvious to adults but her
audience might be teens. Still she’s funny and right about many things. We can
ever expect to be thought of as original unless we do something original. Good
to go on off of why women might first go to the internet for. What we might
have expected as a young child.
Not sure how to go about this website but I feel it might be
important later.
Marbles, Jenna. "What Girls Do On The Internet."
YouTube. YouTube, 15 June 2011. Web. 15 Nov. 2012.
This is a fairly funny skit of what women, according to
Jenna, do. By exsamining the comical side of this issue I think I can begin to
see where women see themselves on the internet.
*Keep in mind I will edit this letter*
Dear Women of the internet
Over the Couse of my English class I have been forced to reexamine
gender as I have never done before. We knit picked over so many insignificant
details that at one point mattered in our culture and social structure but are
no longer so relevant. We are living in the 21st century and the
more I reexamined the ancient ways of gender discrimination I have begun to
think of what are the new forms of discrimination that we as women face. For a
moment let’s not look too deeply into money or politics though I do plan to
mention them in my paper; but I ask that we women look at social discrimination.
We already have a good idea of how discrimination works in the real world whether
though harassment or just being included due to our gender. But how much have
we thought about the internet the new social hangout of our generation. What do
people think of women on the internet? How do we see each other how do men see
us? Of course we know that there is sexism on the internet but to what degree.
Are there havens for women online; is there a place we dominate? Are ads aimed
at women different on the internet then they are online. Are there social expectations
on the internet? Does the internet have exceptions to its rules if it has any
rules? I plan to go into this in my paper and try to find some answers to who
women are when they’re on the internet. Of course I’ll be forced to narrow my
topic but I am very interested to find out how we the ladies of the united
internet see ourselves online.
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