Thursday, December 6, 2012

essay #2 second draft

Alysha Guzman

English 1A


Dear women of the internet

For much of written history women have been branded the weaker and less valued gender. Though much of that has changed in the last century most women around the world are still see as second to men. In places such as the United States the inequality against women is much less accepted and while there are still many inequalities towards women it is much more difficult for the average person to publicly hold the opinion that women are second to men and not have public backlash. In places such as India and China however discrimination is very public and generally widely accepted and movements towards greater gender equality have not been so accepted. But around the world the movement for women’s rights is still growing and that movement has grown faster and gone further than ever with a new tool, the internet. With help of the online world women can see information that would have never otherwise been available to them, they can do more, the can learn more, and above all else women can spread their thoughts and ideas like never before and that is how the internet is empowering women.

When people tend to think of the internet they tend to think of people wasting time facebook or buying things on Amazon. They don’t seem like grand and wonderful things anymore since a great deal of people have become accustomed to the internet. It has become part of modern life and while most American people will admit that difficult to go a day without using the internet, people tend to forget how powerful the online world can be. I for one honestly use the internet more for fun than for actual work, though I am capable of using my time online to better myself I’ll generally do something entertaining like watching a movie.  It can be had to realize that for most our cultures history the traditional gender roles of women haven’t changed much. Women in most cultures have been expected to take care of everything domestic including her family, her home, and any chore her society or husband required her to do. Most women in a patriarchal society had very little access to basic knowledge to the world outside of their communities. If a women wanted access to knowledge of any kind her only sources where her local religious leaders, her social group and her husband. In the United Sates the women’s rights movement has made it much easier for women to get an education and thus move towards a career. Still many women who were house wives didn’t have the same opportunities; but with the help of the internet women, like stay at home moms, who would have otherwise had limited time to socialize outside their home can now socialize and shop in the comfort of their own homes.        

While these changes seem like small benefits to the lives of women it can be noticed that how places such as India have been greatly affected by the internet making tremendance differences in the lives of ordinary women. In an article written by BBC news the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) has helped fund internet cafes and kiosks, a small open-fronted hut shop, employing women. By employing women to open these shops the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) encourages education among women, giving jobs to women with diplomas. Because of the internet it now possible for women to find people on the internet that they would have otherwise had a great difficulty talking to such as friends and family and in some cases even doctors. According to the BBC article “women over 60 queue up to be linked via video-conferencing technology to an eye specialist thousands of miles away.” Many of these women have a difficult time leaving their villages with the only mode of transportation a neighbor’s car or bike and in some cases their only choice to see a doctor outside of their village is to walk. In these rural parts of the world the internet is often the only way women can interact with the outside world. Because of the internet they can get more information about their health faster than ever.

Violence and abuse towards women is a worldwide issue. It as a problem that can only be helped by giving victims support, resources, and educating the general public.; however it is also important to view all the factors that allows abuse and violence towards women. “40-70% of all female murder victims are killed by an intimate partner” (Prevalence of Domestic Violence).Violence is an age old problem that has existed long before the internet ever existed however as we enter this new technological age originations and individuals who have been trying to fix this problem are finding a new ways to use the online world to help change the lives of abuse victims. The Pixel Project and Hollaback are examples of organizations using the internet as a new tactic to stop the violence against women. Using blogs and forms to communicate with a wide audience around the world the Pixel Project is working in several countries to change the way the public views violence of women. Their mission is to include as many people as they can to work towards their goal of making social and cultural changes that discourage people from not speaking up and taking action against abuse. In an article by Paromita Pain a writer for The Wall Street Journal, she speaks of how the internet helps women fight back against attackers by allowing them to share their stories and even post pictures of their attackers.

Though the new age of technology and innovation has been helping women around the world nevertheless women continue to be deeply affected by old gender roles and expectations. In the west it was once the norm to for women to marry young and to try to gain or maintain social statues with marriage. But now our society seems to value marriages that are formed when both the bride and groom feel ready. Many of the women in China however are being pressured to marry they reach a certain age due to old cultural traditions. Sarah Keenlyside, a documentary director and producer found that due to the recent success of well educated women many Chinese men feel intimidated of marrying an independent woman. Keenlyside states that “China’s women and their new-found confidence has incited a backlash from men, the government and even their own families. The popular Chinese label shengnu (leftover women), regularly perpetuated in state-controlled media and on internet message boards, refers to women who are smart, successful and moneyed but still not married by the age of 28.” Keenlyside also points out that the idea of being single is not well received by much of China’s mass media however the young women of China are speaking out by telling their country that unlike their female relatives before them they do not men to take care of them. Chinese women also realize that many curtain laws in their country favorer men and view marriage as a big risk. Usually when people buy homes in China a house belongs to the person who took out the loan for the mortgage no matter who invested more in the house. Because it is traditional for Chinese parents to help their son with a mortgage women can often lose their homes in a divorce. Such things are motivating Chinese women towards buying their own things for financial security, understanding that marriage can be short lived. Recently a young woman names Long Si Yu and some of her friends made a music video and put it online with the message of they don’t need the money and cars of men because they have their own. The video was met with some back lash with many men posting one line statements such as “I say women in the old days were better.” Never the less many Chinese women are not deterred from continuing to have careers even if it means waiting later in life for a relationship.

There are times when the internet is a necessary work tool that innovated the economy and there are other times when the internet is just a place to goof off and waste time. There is no doubt that the internet has solved the problem of cheap communication and has opened up a door to new possibilities but will never solve all of humanities problems. It is nothing more than a new tool created by a person for others to use in a thousand new ways. Even though this instant availability of information does not seem like much more than a fun toy for many of us we have to remember that the internet has changed the lives of millions and will continue to do so. But it is much more important to realize that the internet is giving us each an opportunity to better our lives and those of the unfortunate and improvised.  It as an opportunity with risk and hurtles but it’s one that women need to continue to share and explore.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

second rough raft


Alysha Guzman

English 1A

Women and the internet

Dear Women of the internet

For most of known history society assigned gender roles to keep an order that it believed to be a necessity for people to have in order to happily co-exist. These roles made people identify themselves by what anatomy they had and allowed very little flexibility. Their identity determined their social worth and where only seen as normal if they followed these roles which didn’t always led them to be happy with themselves. But with time and slow social changes many of the old notions of what it meant to be masculine or famine have begun to fade into obscurity. We as women still have hurtles to go over just to become fully equal such as being paid the same wages as men or having as many seats in congress as men do but since the 60’s a lot of progress has been made towards equality among the sexes. But in order to continue on with gaining equality we have to look at a new frontier, the internet. The internet is shaping our world as well as ourselves and as our world continues to embrace the internet as a tool, a hangout, and a market place then we need to not only continue to learn how to use it but how to thrive with it. The internet can be a wonderful tool but it’s important to know how to balance it into our lives.

In the early days of the internet men dominated the web. They began to mold the internet to what we know as the web today. But according to Elisa Camahort Page co-founder of BlogHer, a popular network of bloggers says "Women are the drivers of social media. Women are the major users of Facebook, Twitter, blogs, Pinterest, and every social media site except YouTube. They are engagers. They are sharers. It is natural to a women's personality to say why she buys something and why she like it. Women love to share news about the bargains that they got. They love deals and they love to talk about it." (McKenna). Because women tend to go into depth about things that interests them corporations and small companies are realizing how important female blogs are. I’ve noticed that when I read some of my favorite blogger from time to time they mentioned places they’ve been to and things they have bought or would like to buy. In my experience I’ve noticed that bloggers (those who write down an online journal) and vloggers (those who make videos) generally have two types of viewers; those who reply to the blogger in their comments and those who silently read the comments. In this format women blogger have become a major asset to companies since their options are generally and the publicity are free.

 People who are able to contribute to our economy hold great power. In our society it’s been made clear that the one thing stronger than thought or opinions is a person’s wallet. From the boycotts of buss from the civil rights movement to the last Presidential election our society is affected by what people do and don’t buy.  

The internet will continue to find its way into our lives as time goes on. It will evolve in the coming years and we as well do so alongside it.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

1st drapht

The world as we know it is changing faster than it has ever changed before and as the world changes so do the people who live in it. Much of what where once deemed the correct behavior for genders has changed in the last decade. Small changes slowly add together and eventually change the world.  But in this last decade it seems the change in what is appropriate for women has become increasingly more flexible. In small but notable ways women have gained more gender equality in areas such as the economy but more noticeably women have moved forward socially. For the first time ever more women are going to school and graduating to move forward with careers while the rate of women marring continues to move downward. While it is true that the women’s movement has been moving forwards since the 60’s these last ten years have been the first years where women have their basic rights and are expecting to have equal rights in all aspects of life. But what has to be asked is why have these old ideas been strengthened in these last ten years? To answer that we have to look at the tools women have used to gain stronger voices in the world and few tools have been stronger than the internet. With the help of the internet women have been able to express themselves as they have never done before and in doing so they empower themselves even more.

It wasn’t too long ago when most women in the United States did not have access to the internet. It was a luxury that was available to less than 2% of the world’s population and unnecessary to the general public. But times have changed to the point where it is nearly required for children to have some access to the internet to do simple school assignments. Because the internet is such a necessary tool for the average person it has integrated it’s self into part of our culture. That being said it is easy to see how the internet can change our culture as well as our personal selves. As said but Jen Doll “The biggest single personality-impacting thing it's done is allow me an opportunity to respond to commentary and add my own thoughts to the mix without the kind of fear one might have about being so opinionated and forceful in real life. I've learned from working on the Internet that of course it matters, deeply, what people think about my work, but it doesn't really matter what they think of me personally. “ (Doll) This is the generation in which most women can imagine a world without the internet for they lived life without it for much of their adult lives. Much like how my generation knows what a life without social networking was like people in their 30’s and 40’s know what life people the internet was like. Doll and those she interviews also mention how the internet has changed the way they feel about stranger’s comments. What once bothered them or even made them unhappy is now just an annoyance to them, something they can handle and not become emotionally affected by. Somehow this has the general attitude of the internet; an attitude that both men and women are expected to understand. For the first time ever women are expected to toughen up and dare I say it be a man. This attitude has seemed to filter into our current social expectations of how to react to the comments of strangers. Women are being taught by the internet that what other people think of them isn’t very important; which is very different than what women where told before then. I see this in how my mother and many of my aunts worry about what strangers will think of them. When I go out with one of them and talk too loudly they worry about how strangers will view them as well as myself. To my mother and her sisters their fears seem to be that if they do something odd they will be seen as weird and to them nothing is worse than that. Unlike my Aunts and mother my sister and cousins are very different. They may go to the same places as their mothers but they are unafraid to be looked at strangely. This seems to be what many women who use the internet seem to notice; anything negative that a stranger has to say is pushed aside and not thought of. As noted by Doll and the women she questioned about the internet many agreed with the fact that the internet had made them tougher. ” I hadn't blogged before and at first I was terrified of the commenters. But eventually I came to think of them as there for entertainment value, nothing more, and I stopped taking anything they said personally” (Doll) The internet has taught women that cruel comments from strangers are to be ignored. That’s not to say that women don’t take in what is said about them on the internet. When I present work online I do take criticism if I see it as positive criticism. The moment I think someone is being cruel simply to try and hurt my feelings I ignore them.  The habits women learn on the internet soon translate to the real world. While a random comment can still affect a women such comments are less likely to.

 Speech affects the world by changing how we see it and much like the first printing press the internet is spreading new and old ideas faster than ever before. In the early days of the internet men wrote the majority of blogs but now that is changing. Women are now using the internet more than men. According to Aileen Lee women now use the internet more to shop, and keep up with their social lives. “Women are the majority of users of social networking sites and spend 30% more time on these sites than men; mobile social network usage is 55% female.” (Lee)

As women move forward with technology and follow with current trends then the day when men and women are truly equals will come

Thursday, November 15, 2012

annotated Bibliography and first drapft of letter to the audience.

Doll, Jen. "Women of the Internet on How the Internet Has Changed Them." The Atlantic Wire. The Atlantic Wire, 9 July 2012. Web. 15 Nov. 2012. <>.

Jen Doll proposes in this article that women are being changed by the internet. She questions what the internet does to women’s brains and emotional health. She notes how she know the internet has allowed her to do many things faster and she also relies on it as her job. She enjoys how quickly she can create something creating and response to others. She likes being able to communicate with many people. But she notes that sometimes people can be much more cruel than they’d dare be in real life and that she will defend something in a more defensive way than she usually would. Her attitude changes when she is on the internet.

Doll also interviewed several women who like her frequently use the internet.

One woman says that the internet has made her a stronger person, as well as a bit ADD. According to this woman because comments can become nasty in order for her to function on the internet she had to learn to ignore the meaner comments.

Another woman adds that she didn’t just develop a tougher skin but soon the cruel comments became “a form of entertainment”. She also points out that when ignored trolls go away or they can be blocked.

A third women says that the internet has made her ADD in the fact that she hates writing an e-mail and prefers to tweet or do anything short. She notes that she does ignore trolls but when someone complements her on the internet she does feel flattered.

Then there are the women who go on about what they feel the internet has done to them and their mental states. Over all very interesting and will defiantly use in paper.


"There Are No Girls On The Internet." Know Your Meme News. N.p., 2006. Web. 15 Nov. 2012. <>.

A short video with a with a description of how there is sexism on the internet and how to “hide” the fact that you are a girl. It doesn’t really give you a reason why it’s bad to be a girl on the internet other than being harassed by trolls.


Lee, Aileen. "Why Women Rule TheƂ Internet." TechCrunch RSS. TechCrunch RSS, 20 Mar. 2011. Web. 15 Nov. 2012. <>.

Here Lee is giving a lot of numbers to help explain why women “rule” the internet. She states that women are a driving force of buying things, even renting that is making internet retail so powerful. She also points out how women use a lot of social media. She notes how women make up 80% of things online. When it comes to face book 62% of messages are from women. She also notes that women follow more blogs and vlogs.


H, Christina. "The 5 Biggest Mistakes Women (Like Me!) Make On The Internet." N.p., 4 Apr. 2010. Web. 15 Nov. 2012. <>.

Here Ms.H is giving women guide lines of what not to expect on the internet. She basically is stating the obvious to adults but her audience might be teens. Still she’s funny and right about many things. We can ever expect to be thought of as original unless we do something original. Good to go on off of why women might first go to the internet for. What we might have expected as a young child.

Not sure how to go about this website but I feel it might be important later.


Marbles, Jenna. "What Girls Do On The Internet." YouTube. YouTube, 15 June 2011. Web. 15 Nov. 2012. <>.

This is a fairly funny skit of what women, according to Jenna, do. By exsamining the comical side of this issue I think I can begin to see where women see themselves on the internet.

*Keep in mind I will edit this letter*

Dear Women of the internet

Over the Couse of my English class I have been forced to reexamine gender as I have never done before. We knit picked over so many insignificant details that at one point mattered in our culture and social structure but are no longer so relevant. We are living in the 21st century and the more I reexamined the ancient ways of gender discrimination I have begun to think of what are the new forms of discrimination that we as women face. For a moment let’s not look too deeply into money or politics though I do plan to mention them in my paper; but I ask that we women look at social discrimination. We already have a good idea of how discrimination works in the real world whether though harassment or just being included due to our gender. But how much have we thought about the internet the new social hangout of our generation. What do people think of women on the internet? How do we see each other how do men see us? Of course we know that there is sexism on the internet but to what degree. Are there havens for women online; is there a place we dominate? Are ads aimed at women different on the internet then they are online. Are there social expectations on the internet? Does the internet have exceptions to its rules if it has any rules? I plan to go into this in my paper and try to find some answers to who women are when they’re on the internet. Of course I’ll be forced to narrow my topic but I am very interested to find out how we the ladies of the united internet see ourselves online.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Proposal #2

As a society gender no longer defies who we are as a person.

Logos: As stated by Reihan Salam in The Death of the Macho “The era of male dominance is coming to an end.” Our society is finally at a point we’re being born a certain sex will not determine how far they can climb up the ladder of power and for the first time the gender roles are becoming more socially flexible. There are still certain hurtles that both men and women. For men it’s still considered unordinary for them to do the majority of child care or even house work. There is still a stigma that men must be the main provider for the family but that is changing faster than ever. Women also have to continue to cross hurdles as well. A women still earns 77 cents to ever dollar a man makes for the same work. (Fitzpatrick) There are still battles being fought against women’s rights but we cannot ignore the progress made. It is now unacceptable for ignorant statements made against women as in the case of Mitt Romney with his “binder filled with women” quote and with the example of Todd Akin and his idea of legitimate rape. Saying such things can hurt men in power and even be what gets them unelected. The women vote is now a grand power that many fight for because they know that women can make or break an election.

                I hope the Logos of my audience is that they will understand why gender does not affect us as it once did though still holds power in today’s world.

Pathos: As a woman myself I can help but sometimes feel angry at how deprived and hurt women are through history. Enough is enough. We may not have achieved total equal rights, pay, and political power as we wished but to act as if progress has not been made is despicable. It’s not to say that we should be happy with the way things are, we’d be fools to sit around and not defend and increase our rights or take further steps towards gender equality; but to have the topic of gender shift to the “poor me” attitude is not alright. We can look to the past of women but that doesn’t mean we should live in the mentality that the reason we have to fight so hard to succeed is because we are women. We have to fight because success is never easy.

                I hope the Pathos of my argument will most support my paper. Most of gender is what is in our mines and I hope to exsplain to the audience why female members are not completely unequal and remind them that women do have power. I will also add how men have been affected.

Ethos: from personal experiences I can say that the only times I was hindered for being a woman was as a child on the playground.  Boys wanted to play with other boys and the same went for girls. But as I became older there was a shift in our behavior. We had to treat each other as equals because that was what was expected. I’ve also have seen how young children are taught the same morals. Treat others as you wish to be treated. Others includes girls and boys.

                I hope my ethos of life examples will further help my case.

Fitzpatrick, Laura. "Why Do Women Still Earn Less than Men?" Times US, 10 Apr. 2010. Web. 8 Nov. 2012. <,8599,1983185,00.html>.

Thursday, October 25, 2012


Title: The death of Macho

Author: Reihan Salam

Date: 2008

Topic: The end of male dominance in the financial world and the physical world.

Analysis of Argument

Exigence: To let the reader know how and why the idea of Macho will no longer relevant and how it is slowly disappearing from our world.

Intended   Audience: This seems aimed towards a more scholarly audience because it goes in depth of why everything the writer claims is happening. But the article has an informal fell to it so it can very well be aimed at the public.  

Purpose: The purpose of this article is to demonstrate how our old idea of what it was to be a man no longer hold true. Men are no longer the primary breadwinners in American and Salam is pointing out that slowly that is how it will be around the world.

Claims: “The era of male dominance is coming to an end. “(page 629) Women will soon be the primary bread winners. Men and women will both had to adjust to a new social order where the two are equals.


Main Evidence: In this article Salam starts off with the claim “The era of male dominance is coming to an end. “(page 629) From the very begging the reader can clearly see what the article will be about. A few sentences later Salam explains how the Great Recession has begun the death of the Macho. Salam also states how the Great Depression did many of the same things that the Recession has done only that The New Deal was what saved Machismo then. He states that there is nothing like the new deal today, a political action that focused on creating jobs for men; and with our a New Deal like event happening the Macho will have to go.  Salam then goes on to how men are coping with this new social change stating that in the United States and in Europe the transition has gone fairly smooth. According to Salam this is the reason that the United States have been more peaceful then the middle east, Russia, and China where Women’s rights are very often violated and the idea of Women and men as equals is very controversial. Salam also adds how there is no way to bring back the Macho because the jobs that sustained those ideas are no longer there and both men and women will have to adapt. Salam ends by stating that these changed will happen. “We can expect the transition to be wrenching, uneven, and possibly very violent.” (page 636)

Rhetorical Analysis:

Writer’s Strategy #1 Definition of the Male macho

Writer’s Strategy#2 Classification and division

Writer’s Strategy#3 cause and effect with a bit of compare and contrast.

Reader Effect# 1 The bulk of the article was written in a Logos manor. It had a lot of explanations and examples as well as having a bit of research from the UN.

Reader Effect#2 there some ethos where research met with examples of people.

Reader Effect #3 very little Pathos with was okay because this article didn’t really need much of that

My Response: This article was unbelievably informative and I felt it was very credible. While the article didn’t carry a lot of emotion or personal examples I feel that it didn’t need any to sway a person to agree that Machismo is dying. My only complaint is that there was no counterargument. It was very factual but there was nothing to disagree and prove wrong.

Thursday, October 18, 2012


In the article “Two ways a woman can get hurt”               : Advertising and violence, Jean Kilbourne explains how advertisement affects our society and our own personal views on how we view others. She notes that advertisements have become much like porn in where the emotion of being with a person is no longer genuine and are more about a man dominating a woman for his own pleasure. Kilbourne states that by having these sexual and often violent ads make our society more violent and makes it harder for women and girls to be respected in the world.

                The purpose of this reading is to examine how ads do affect our social gender roles. As Kilbourne notes that children are especially affected by adds stating that children tend to suffer sexual ridicule. “It is probably difficult for those of us who are older to understand how devastating and cruel and pervasive this harassment is, how different from the “teasing” some of us might remember from our own childhoods. A 1993 report by the American Association of University Women found that 56% of male students said they had been sexually harassed in school.” According to this study a girl was quoted saying “the boys called me slut, bitch. They called me ten timers, because they say I go with ten guys at the same time. I put up with it because I have no choice. The teachers say it’s because the boys think I’m pretty. “ Here it’s clearly shown that not only are young children being sexually harassed but when they are often nothing is done about it.

                My response to Kilbourne is I feel like her article is out dated. Yes women are still placed in ads in sexual manors and yes many of the ads are aimed at male dominance. There are many things that our society still need to work on and gender inequality is one of them. But in ten years, which is when I guess her article was written I fell that things have changed somehow. It is no longer acceptable for politicians to make a sexist remark even my accident. Just the other day Governor Romney made the mistake of saying that even though his intention to employ women in fields of power he had have people give him “a binder full of women.” This insulted many women, myself included and if one looks as the news outlets there seems to be a lot of talk of how Romney may have lost the women’s vote just for saying something. I see this as an act of power for women. Politian’s now fear us and while there still are those who want to limit women’s rights they can no longer go our and do so in a carless manner.

                On the issue of bullying, the act of bullying is terrible and horrible acts of children tormenting children, even adults tormenting each other still goes on. But there seems to be a greater awareness of bullying and how destructive it can be for all parties. And I would never suggest that bullying is not as destructive as it once was, bullying is awful now and was awful then but I sense that is less tolerance for bullying then there once was. Now if a child is caught bullying another and a school does nothing there a chance that the school can be punished by either being sued or having administration fired. I also feel there are more resources available to help bullied kids.

                The world is far from perfect but there have been small bits of progress here and there. So what once was true of ads isn’t necessarily completely true now.  That’s not to say that all offence ads are gone and ads have become less sexual, but what I see is less tolerance for something offensive and what once helped sell a product would today destroy a company.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

final draft polished


Prop 30

The save our schools bill

                As most of us know California has a very large amount of dept. The current revenue of California can no longer afford to keep funding public schools. Already the state government has been forced to cut music and art programs for k-12 as well as cutting many classes in community colleges. The option of taxing the state in order to continue to fund public schools and community colleges is now up on a ballet.  But with California’s revenue already stretched out Governor Brown has given California an ultimatum, accept a set of tax increases for the riches and add a higher sales tax or have an instant set of trigger cuts to schools. As the voting day comes closer it’s time that we, the voters take note that our school system has suffered for too long it is time that we attempt to help it survive and thrive.

                Proposition 30 works in two ways. First the state sales tax will increase by ¼ a cent every year for four years. Second there would be an increase of person income tax to the wealthiest taxpayers for seven years. If this measure passes six billion dollars would be added to the state’s budget. Eighty nine percent would go to k-12 and 11% would go to community colleges (Qualified Statewide Ballot Measures). There are several other ballots that are available to choose from but prop30 is making the wave in changing our schools for the better. California schools can no longer survive off of pocket change and prop 30 will finally give schools the money they need to help the students of this state.

                As a student it is difficult to see the cons of this measure, but the opposing side’s argument has to be seen and understood. The argument presented by the people opposed to prop 30 is that this measure would not reform schools and wouldn’t cut waste and bureaucracy. According to critics billions in higher taxes will not be the help that the schools so desperately need (Proposition 30: Temporary Taxes to Fund Education). Opposes to the bill also claim that California has spent five billion tax payer dollars on a bullet train that has had little success, and opponents argue that California does have the money to fund our schools but only have to learn how to spent it more thoughtfully. According to them this measure will kill jobs, which really sounds silly. From what I could find there is no evidence suggesting that any part of prop 30 will hurt jobs or business. I may not be a math major but I cannot understand how saving jobs in school administration and having fewer teachers being laid off will destroy jobs or hurt the state’s economy. However there is plenty evidence that when schools have fewer teachers, students will be placed in more crowded class rooms. What truly is heart breaking and even enraging is that those opposed do not offer a plan to give our state’s schools the funding they need and other than budget cuts opponents of Prop 30 don’t seem to want a plan to save our schools.

                Those who are for Prop 30 note that for years the state of California has been cutting funding from schools, forcing schools crawl to their braking point. They also note that prop 30 is not only an education measure as well as a public safety measure. “ Prop. 30 is the only measure that establishes a guarantee for public safety funding in our state’s constitution, where it can’t be touched without voter approval. Prop. 30 keeps cops on the street” (Proposition 30: Temporary Taxes to Fund Education). This is an encouraging thought especially because since the recession police force funding, much like schools, have been dramatically cut. Besides helping the public by educating and protecting the public prop 30 also has safety guards. The funds cannot be changed without voter approval and while nothing is certain it is frankly much nicer to have cops and educated people on the streets then the other choice, which are poorly educated children. Supporters also note that all the taxes proposed are temporary. Prop 30’s taxes will not be set in stone and seven years pass the taxes on our wealthiest Californians will be gone, and once four years pass the sales taxes will be what they are now. The only way these taxes would be enforced longer would be if the voters decide in the future to keep these taxes.

                Unknown to most Californians our state has a shortage of college graduates. According to a two researchers Hans Johnson and Ria Sengupta “California will have one million fewer college graduates than needed in 2025, only 35 percent of working- age adults will have a degree in an economy that would otherwise require 41 percent of workers to have one”( Sengupta). What this means is California will be deprived of a valuable resource in the coming years, educated individuals. With a lack of people to innovate the nation, California will be left behind economically. But this is a fate can be avoided if we invest in education. Mr. Johnson and Ms. Sengupta suggest “increasing college attendance rates as well as increasing graduation rates among four year institutions” ( Sengupta). Again it has to be stated that education is not only a way for individuals to move forward but it is also a great asset to a state and nation. Education can no longer be seen as an expense but a necessary investment for not only young people and children but the elderly as well. Much like a community would invest in a road or bridge California needs to invest in its students. While it might take time to reap the benefits of an educated work force it will be an investment that helps California come out on top.  As the baby boomers of our nation retire we need someone to fill in their well-educated shoes. It’s no secret that baby boomers had the opportunity to receive a wonderful education however the current trend has been that the generations after the baby boomers are no longer receiving the same education as the people who helped make this nation what it is today.

                As a community college student I have seen what budget cuts have been doing to our schools. Classes have been cut and class times are no longer flexible as they once were. Tuition prices have also gone up. I’ve been told by my mother that when she went to Cabrillo a unit was only seven dollars. While an increase in tuition is normal due to inflations the price per unit is now $74 dollars (Fee Charts). The price per unit is even more for out of state students which is $247. The tuition price isn’t the worst part about the cuts. Teachers have been fired by no fault of their own other the state not having enough money to pay them. Students also suffer more than being deprived of classes and great teachers, many of my fellow students can no longer go to school because of how Cabrillo is shrinking. Fewer students are let in and some of us who do get in cannot make it to the classes we need because there are none available. But my experience with public schooling is not limited to community college. I have two younger siblings who are in the public school system. They go to two different schools and everyone in my family can see the changes. In one of my brothers schools they no longer offer after school. In my other brother’s school after school office hours have been cut. Their class sizes get bigger every year and for students who need extra help learning what they will need to know for the next year a bigger class is not an insignificant problem. There are also fewer classes designed to help struggling students. If that isn’t bad enough the materials the school provides now come out of their teacher’s pocket.

                It is no longer feasible to continue to cut school funding and have a functional school system. It is also inexcusable to do nothing about our school system and allow it to continue to fall apart. We have an opportunity to help our state’s children and college students. We also have the choice to do nothing but with such a choice we must be ready to face the consequences and face the states students and tell them they no longer matter.

"Fee Charts." Admissions and Records. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Oct. 2012. <>.

"Qualified Statewide Ballot Measures." - Elections & Voter Information. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Sept. 2012.

"Qualified Statewide Ballot Measures." - Elections & Voter Information. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Sept. 2012. <>.

"Proposition 30: Temporary Taxes to Fund Education. Guaranteed Local Public Safety Funding - California State Government." Proposition 30: Temporary Taxes to Fund Education. Guaranteed Local Public Safety Funding - California State Government. Leage of Women Voter, 4 Oct. 2012. Web. 04 Oct. 2012. <>.

Sengupta, Ria, and Hans Johnson. "Closing the Gap: Meeting California's Need for College Graduates (PPIC Publication)." Closing the Gap: Meeting California's Need for College Graduates (PPIC Publication). Public Policy Institute of California, Apr. 2009. Web. 11 Oct. 2012. <>.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

essay first drapht

Alysha Guzman

English 1A

Rough draft of prop 30

                As most of us know California has a very large amount of dept. The current revenue of California can no longer afford to keep funding public schools. Already the state government has been forced to cut music and art programs for k-12 as well as cutting many classes in community colleges. The option of taxing the state in order to continue to fund public schools and community colleges is now up on a ballet.  But with California’s revenue already stretched out Governor Brown has given California an ultimatum, accept a set of tax increases for the riches and add a higher sales tax or have an instant set of trigger cuts to schools. As the voting day comes closer it’s time that we, the voters take note that our school system has suffered for two long it is time that we attempt to help it survive and thrive.

                Proposition 30 works in two ways. First the state sales tax will increase by twenty five cents every year for four years. Second there would be an increase of person income tax to the wealthiest taxpayers for seven years. If this measure passes six billion dollars would be added to the state’s budget. Eighty nine percent would go to k-12 and 11% would go to community colleges (Qualified Statewide Ballot Measures). This is the only current ballet that is attempting to help our schools funding. There are no other alternatives then putting in the trigger buts and continuing to cut our schools budgets.

                There are certainly pros and cons of this measure. For the argument of people opposed to this measure are that prop 30 would not reform schools and would not cut waste and bureaucracy. They aruge that 50 billion in higher taxes will not be the help that the schools so desperately need (Proposition 30: Temporary Taxes to Fund Education). Opposes to the bill also that California has spent five billion on a bullet train that has had little success, and argue that California does have the money but only have to learn how to spent it more thoughtfully. According to them this measure will kill jobs, which really sounds silly. From what I could find there is no evidence suggesting that any part of prop 30 will hurt jobs or business. If anything not passing prop 30 will hurt jobs due to administration and teachers being laid off and there is plenty evidence of that being true. What truly is heart breaking and even enraging is that those opposed do not have a plan on how to save our school systems and give students a fighting chance.

                Those who are for Prop 30 note that for years we have been cutting funding for schools and schools are at their braking point. They also note that prop 30 is not only an education measure as well as a public safety measure. “. Prop. 30 is the only measure that establishes a guarantee for public safety funding in our state’s constitution, where it can’t be touched without voter approval. Prop. 30 keeps cops on the street” (Proposition 30: Temporary Taxes to Fund Education). This is an encouraging thought especially because since the police force funding, much like schools, have been dramatically cut. Besides helping the public by educating and protecting the public prop 30 also has safety guards. The funds cannot be changed without voter approval and while nothing is certain it is frankly much nicer to have cops and educated people on the streets then the other choice, which are poorly educated children. Supporters also note that all the taxes proposed are temporary. They will not be set in stone and once four years pass we may look at the issue once more and decide if prop 30 has functioned in not for state taxes. And after seven years the wealthiest will be taxed as they are today.

                As a community college student I have seen what budget cuts have been doing to our schools. Classes have been cut and class times are no longer flexible as they once were. Tuition prices have also gone up. I’ve been told by my mother that when she went to Cabrillo a unit was only seven dollars. While an increase in tuition is normal due to inflations the price per unit is now $74 dollars (Fee Charts). The price per unit is even more for out of state students $247. The tuition price isn’t the worst about the cuts. Teachers have been fired by no fault of their own other the state not having enough money to pay them. But students suffer more than being deprived of classes and great teachers, many of my fellow students can no longer go to school because of how Cabrillo is being shrunk. Fewer students are let in and some of us who do get in cannot make it to the classes we need because only one class is available. But my experience with public schooling is not limited to community college. I have two younger siblings who are in the public school system. They go to two different schools everyone in my family can see the changes. In one of my brothers schools they no longer offer after school. After school office hours have been cut. Their class sizes get bigger every year.  For students who need extra help learning things they will need to know for the next year bigger classes are not an insignificant problem. There are also few classes designed to help struggling students. If that isn’t bad enough the materials the school provides now come out of their teacher’s pocket.

                It is no longer feasible to continue to cut school funding and have a functional school system. It is also inexcusable to do nothing about our school system and allow it to continue to fall apart. We have an opportunity to help our state’s children and college students. We also have the choice to do nothing but with such a choice we must be ready to face the consequences and face the states students and tell them they no longer matter.

"Fee Charts." Admissions and Records. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Oct. 2012. <>.

"Qualified Statewide Ballot Measures." - Elections & Voter Information. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Sept. 2012.

"Qualified Statewide Ballot Measures." - Elections & Voter Information. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Sept. 2012. <>.

"Proposition 30: Temporary Taxes to Fund Education. Guaranteed Local Public Safety Funding - California State Government." Proposition 30: Temporary Taxes to Fund Education. Guaranteed Local Public Safety Funding - California State Government. Leage of Women Voter, 4 Oct. 2012. Web. 04 Oct. 2012. <>.

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Why the prop 30 has to pass.


Prop 30

Argument: California cannot afford to cut programs to education.

Intended Audience: the general public

Purpose: to have people realize that it’s not about taxes, it’s about taking care of our schools.

But our states Logos: the logic behind prop 30.

Claim(s): our school system is falling apart because we are no longer investing in it and cuts are not going to help.

Main evidence. Notes and references of the proposed bill

As of now our state has a deficit. Our state is very much like a business, and like one it is in a bit of financial difficulty. Since the recession the state deficit has grown every year and our public serves have suffered. There have been cuts not only to schools but emergency services as well. Recently a bill has been presented that if it does pass then our state school systems are temporarily saved from financial disaster.

Pathos: the emotions of the topic.

In our modern day society it is clearly evident that public education does a great serves not only to the children and teens enrolled in k-12 and college students but it helps our state. All ready many school programs have been cut. Classes have shrunk and the educational experience a child once had is now a broken system of what their experience should have been. Imagine a child in a class of over 30 students already struggling; who only needs a bit of extra help is ignored because teacher aids are gone. After school programs are gone. We need to show the children of this state that we care about their education. We have to show them that we want to help them. We want them to succeed and be better prepared for college. We don’t want them to feel that they have failed at school when in reality we have failed in educating them. How are the children who are born poor supposed to know how to take advantage of a school system when that system has no money to educate them. If we continue to cut from the education of children we cannot expect students to be prepared for high school let alone collage. For too long we have placed education on the back burner and have seen the results of this. We have fallen behind as a world leader in education, and we at least need to begin to take an interest of funding our schools.  As much as we wish education is not free. The more we invest in our students the more we invest in our economy, our culture, and our future. As painful as taxes are it will be more painful to know that our state cannot afford to fund our schools.

Ethos: Ethical Appeals character

As a college student I’ve seen some of the effects of the current budget cuts. At our community college there are fewer classes. More and more students are turned away for classes because there over filled. This semester I wanted to take more classes. I was ready to pay for them and needed to take these classes to not only help complete the requirements to acquire my AA degree as well as not having to have such large gaps between my classes. Only these classes that I need so I can continue my academic carrea where only available at night. I have no care and the busses stop running a little before 8. Unless I found a safe place to sleep at Cabrillo’s campus there is no way that I can attend these classes and many of my fellow students are in the same position as I. We don’t have much money but we want to be educated so we can do something more than work a minima wage job. We want to become productive members of society but what can we achieve this when we have the financial challenges that we face. If prop 30 does not pass Cabrillo will continue to cut classes and fewer students will be able to take even general classes let alone ones to needed to earn a degree.


Thursday, September 20, 2012

annotated bib

"Qualified Statewide Ballot Measures." - Elections & Voter Information. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Sept. 2012. <>.

As most of us know California has a very large amount of dept. Prop 30 is an attempt to try to have California get a 6 billion dollar budget bump so it will be easier to pay for government provided programs. Prop 30 also guaranties that local governments will get some of the revenues so they can fund programs as well. As of now the current sales tax is a little over eight percent but prop 30 will raise the sales tax by one quarter of a cent for every dollar of stuff people buy. This sales tax rate would be good for four years. It would be enforeced in 2012 and would end in 2016

The new tax will also affect Personal Income Tax and would raise it from one percent to nine point three percent but only one specific income brackets. (which translates to how much people make.) The more money you make the more you will be taxed and will be deposited into the state’s General Fund. Also to those who make over a million dollars they will be taxed an extra one percent.

If these taxes don’t go into effect the California government will have no choice but to cut funding for certain government funded things such as schools. Because we have such a huge amount of dept. it isn’t possible for the government to be able to fund the money to keep these programs. And no programs meansl ess education.
"Close the Loophole." Close the Loophole. SFWeekly, 4 Jan. 2012. Web. 20 Sept. 2012.
Prop 13 was passed in 1978. What this law basically states is that property values are frozen at the year the owner bought the house and it can only be changed when people sell the home. According to the people from this wed site prop 13 is hurting seniors and the poor because they cannot afford the taxes that go along with the home and if they choose to sell the home it will be worth only what it was in 1978 even though inflation and other financial factors have changed.
Egelko, Bob. "Prop. 13 Stays Intact, at Least for Now | Politics Blog | an Blog." Prop. 13 Stays Intact, at Least for Now | Politics Blog | an Blog. SFGate, n.d. Web. 20 Sept. 2012.
According to this most of our states woes are to be blamed on pro 13 from 1978. The problem is that because these old properties cannot be taxed they are hurting us all and making it very unfair for wealthier people to by these properties that are not at current market vaule.
"Temporary Taxes to Fund Education. Guaranteed Local Public Safety Funding." League of Women Voters of California Education Fund. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Sept. 2012.
This article states that not only would the sales tax, and personal tax be raised as well as the corporation income tax. These temporary tax increases would help balance our budget without having to have mandatory spending reductions. If this doesn’t pass there will be “trigger cuts” that will automaticly happen if this fails to pass. Voting no on this will mean that mostly educational programs will be cut and that would take place this year if it doesn’t pass.
The people who say it will pass say it’s our only saftly net for public education and is the only real solution for our states budget. They also not that these taxes are temporary and will only be for vital services.
Opponents only sound like but holes who do not propose anything other than cuts to programs. There argument is that instead of making reforms to spending public school only wants to spend out of control which they are not doing they are only trying to educate children many who are poor and will be hardest hit by a no on prop 30

Thursday, September 13, 2012


The reading Thinking Critically, Challenging Cultural Myths is asking readers to think about our nations cultural myths and to rethink what they mean. In the reading the author is trying to have the reader rethink their culture and is attempting to have the reader take in new information and challenge what they currently know. The reading is also demonstrating how powerful a myth can be even if an individual chooses to rebel against the myth.

My thoughts on this reading are that the reading has many fair arguments. Very often Americans don’t realize that we too have our own mythology. We tend to forget that mythology is the stories we tell so we can explain what our values and morals are. Myths are in every culture, yet I have never heard much about American Mythology. But we do have our myths, the myth of the perfect family, of the perfect children, the perfect life. Though our society often doesn’t realize that we have myths because of how we think of them. When we think of a myth we think of a fairy tale, or fictional characters that go off and do something amazing.

But at the same time the article is questioning our cultural myths. It questions the ideas and values that we as a county believe are important and fundamental for our country’s moral compass. While not all of our morals are perfect it’s safe to say that most of our myths have good intentions. We as a country want married people to live together and be happy. We want these happy married people to then have happy children and then grow up in a safe and happy community. While it’s important that we reevaluate our myths and morals it’s important that we see what those myths where trying to have us see.

Then again it’s important to remember that many of our myths have hurt our own people. It wasn’t to long ago that the myth of gender roles kept our society from growing. As the reading describes “As children we get gender role models from our families, our schools, our churches, and other important institutions.” (page 4) If no one ever questioned the ancient gender roles women would have never moved up the social latter and all across America women would still be at home even if they didn’t like it.

Over all our myths will change over time just as they have though our country’s history, but the important thing is while we are reevaluating that we don’t forget that many of these myths are no meant to handicap our nation. Their intention was to try and have a strong moral fabric that the entire country could follow; and while our myths do need to be relooked and rethought we have to see that the entire myth was not so very wrong.

"Thinking Critically, Challenging Culture Myths." Rereading America 8th Ed from Inquiry to Academic Writing Brief Edition. 8th ed. N.p.: Bedford/st Martins, 2010. 4. Print.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Reflections of Teresa

I think what triggered this reflection for the narrator was just having an “ah” moment. She might have been telling this story to a friend or just remembering this moment and one day began to think of why Teresa acted the way she did. The more she thought about it the clearer it must have been to the narrator of one girl being confused about their identities. The narrator most likely understand her child nemeses is that she is no longer a child and can see the confrontation as more of some girl being cruel, but of one being defensive and trying to find herself.

Para Teresa

"Para Teresa" was written in Spanish and English to add context to the poem. Because the poem is bilingual it gives a better understanding to why Teresa was so threated by the narrator. The narrator and Teresa are both Mexican-American children. In the late 50s, approximately the time the poem’s plot happens; many minorities were still trying to find their identities. The mixed in Spanish in the poem helped emphasis this point. The entire reason that Teresa and her friends wanted to confront the narrator was the fact that the narrator was conforming to a system that was not that of a Mexican; yet the narrator is a Mexican and therefore betraying her race.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

I am...

I am a second year student at Cabrillo and I enjoy reading. A personal gift that I bring to class is being willing to listen to other’s opinions even if I don't necessarily agree with them. I’m fairly open mind and am egger to hear what others have to say.