Thursday, September 27, 2012


Why the prop 30 has to pass.


Prop 30

Argument: California cannot afford to cut programs to education.

Intended Audience: the general public

Purpose: to have people realize that it’s not about taxes, it’s about taking care of our schools.

But our states Logos: the logic behind prop 30.

Claim(s): our school system is falling apart because we are no longer investing in it and cuts are not going to help.

Main evidence. Notes and references of the proposed bill

As of now our state has a deficit. Our state is very much like a business, and like one it is in a bit of financial difficulty. Since the recession the state deficit has grown every year and our public serves have suffered. There have been cuts not only to schools but emergency services as well. Recently a bill has been presented that if it does pass then our state school systems are temporarily saved from financial disaster.

Pathos: the emotions of the topic.

In our modern day society it is clearly evident that public education does a great serves not only to the children and teens enrolled in k-12 and college students but it helps our state. All ready many school programs have been cut. Classes have shrunk and the educational experience a child once had is now a broken system of what their experience should have been. Imagine a child in a class of over 30 students already struggling; who only needs a bit of extra help is ignored because teacher aids are gone. After school programs are gone. We need to show the children of this state that we care about their education. We have to show them that we want to help them. We want them to succeed and be better prepared for college. We don’t want them to feel that they have failed at school when in reality we have failed in educating them. How are the children who are born poor supposed to know how to take advantage of a school system when that system has no money to educate them. If we continue to cut from the education of children we cannot expect students to be prepared for high school let alone collage. For too long we have placed education on the back burner and have seen the results of this. We have fallen behind as a world leader in education, and we at least need to begin to take an interest of funding our schools.  As much as we wish education is not free. The more we invest in our students the more we invest in our economy, our culture, and our future. As painful as taxes are it will be more painful to know that our state cannot afford to fund our schools.

Ethos: Ethical Appeals character

As a college student I’ve seen some of the effects of the current budget cuts. At our community college there are fewer classes. More and more students are turned away for classes because there over filled. This semester I wanted to take more classes. I was ready to pay for them and needed to take these classes to not only help complete the requirements to acquire my AA degree as well as not having to have such large gaps between my classes. Only these classes that I need so I can continue my academic carrea where only available at night. I have no care and the busses stop running a little before 8. Unless I found a safe place to sleep at Cabrillo’s campus there is no way that I can attend these classes and many of my fellow students are in the same position as I. We don’t have much money but we want to be educated so we can do something more than work a minima wage job. We want to become productive members of society but what can we achieve this when we have the financial challenges that we face. If prop 30 does not pass Cabrillo will continue to cut classes and fewer students will be able to take even general classes let alone ones to needed to earn a degree.


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